I am still in Finland and as everybody else is working or at school I sometimes feel a bit bored, so what could be better than do some knitting and other crafts.
I never knit any toys before, so I gave a try. Totoro, a Japanese cartoon character, is just so cute. It looks a bit like a rabbit, but I am not sure, what it actually is. My Totoro looks definitely more like a rabbit. (and doesn't look very well made) I used some old yarn from my mam's stash. I think the white and grey are Seitsemän Veljestä and black one is something else.

Pattern: my own.
Yarn: Seitsemän Veljestä etc. old leftover yarn.
I think next I am going to make a post of my old works. I found my first wool socks I made about 19 years ago and some old jumpers.