Thursday, November 29, 2007


It is easier to get in than come out. Cu Chi tunnels are not made for western men! - Cu Chi -tunneleita Vietnamissa ei ole rakennettu lansimaisten miesten kulkureiteiksi. Saattaa aiheuttaa pienta ahtaanpaikankammoa!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Knitting for Christmas

Lovely Wollmeise yarns.

Last week I ordered sock yarns to knit some socks for christmas. Get Knitted and Wollmeise sent me my orders this weeks. Especially the Wollmeise's yarns were exactly so lovely they looked in internet. I really fell in love with those yarns. The colours are just so brilliant! Today I went to the town centre here in Cork trying to find small knitting needles. I found some smaller Brittany needles in Vibes&Schribes, but couldn't find the smallest size I needed. Ireland is famous for its Aran sweaters, but at least Cork is not a mecca for knitters. Knitting is not popular here, even thought I heard it is getting more popular. I don't know any younger Irish people, who knit. ( I think I'll write later a full post of woolshops and knitting in my current home town.) After coming back home I found out that I actually had the needles of that missing size. They were metal ones, what my mum gave me once. So now I am ready to start knitting socks!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


I have been a bit busy this week, but now you will get something. I joined the finnish weekly valokuvatorstai. It has different photographical theme every week. This weeks theme is in finnish:

Minun mielestäni suurimpia virheitämme, heti ihmisenä olemisen jälkeen, on aikakäsityksemme luonne. Meillä on kaiken maailman kapistukset, kellot ja kalenterit, jotka siivuttavat ajan kuin makkaran, ja me nimeämme siivut aivan kuin omistaisimme ne eivätkä ne voisi koskaan muuttua - "kello 11.00, 11. marraskuuta 1918" - vaikka todellisuudessa ne saattavat hajota kappaleiksi ja vieriä tiehensä aivan yhtä helposti kuin elohopeapisarat. (Kurt Vonnegut: Maaton mies, Tammi 2007, suomennos Erkki Jukarainen)

It is about the time and clocks, how much they determine our life these days. I actually had a course at the university some years ago about time and clocks. I have to tell I don't remember very much of that course, but I think it made me think this subject in some way.

Time is running and we are too busy. We should be able to live slower life with more time to relax. My photo was taken in Vietnam in the Mekong delta area in January this year.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

First posting

I have been planning to start a new hobby & interest blog, so here we go. I have been actually writing different blogs for longer time. The other blogs are concentrating more on my personal life and travelling. After reading many blogs of other people about different things, I thought why not to start one more blog about this kind themes. As a native Finn I have been reading lot of Finnish knitting blogs lately (it is hugely popular in that small country), but also interesting blogs from other countries and different things. That actually came from my my reborn interest in knitting. I wanted to start knitting again and started searching in internet for interesting patterns and realized, how popular it actually is. I used to do arts and knit a lot in my teens and early twenties, but after that life has been so busy, studying, living in many different places in Finland and other countries and also travelling, so I didn't actually do very much arts or crafts in those years. Now I am living in Ireland and life is a bit more settled for a while (read staying in one place for longer time), so it is easier for this kind of hobbies.
This blog will include subjects like arts, crafts, photography, architecture and all kind of nice things in this beautiful world.
EDIT: I am annoyed with Blogger already. I have problems with the text. I am trying to leave empty rows, but as you can see,when publishing Blogger pulls all the text together, so it doesn't look very nice. I don't know how to fix the problem. I don't have a similar problem with my other Blogger blogs.