Friday, November 23, 2007

Knitting for Christmas

Lovely Wollmeise yarns.

Last week I ordered sock yarns to knit some socks for christmas. Get Knitted and Wollmeise sent me my orders this weeks. Especially the Wollmeise's yarns were exactly so lovely they looked in internet. I really fell in love with those yarns. The colours are just so brilliant! Today I went to the town centre here in Cork trying to find small knitting needles. I found some smaller Brittany needles in Vibes&Schribes, but couldn't find the smallest size I needed. Ireland is famous for its Aran sweaters, but at least Cork is not a mecca for knitters. Knitting is not popular here, even thought I heard it is getting more popular. I don't know any younger Irish people, who knit. ( I think I'll write later a full post of woolshops and knitting in my current home town.) After coming back home I found out that I actually had the needles of that missing size. They were metal ones, what my mum gave me once. So now I am ready to start knitting socks!

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