Yarn: Wollmeise, Sockenwolle 80/20. Shade Dornroeschen.
I like this little child's socks from the book Knitting Vintage Socks. I already made two pair of them one pair for myself and one pair for my boyfriend's mother. My socks are are bright pink, or should I better say fuchsia. I am not sure. i didn't like this colour before and, but love it now, in small amounts. I wouldn't wear any bigger pieces of clothing with that colour, but socks or scarves are OK. As you can see I have bought or got other things of similar shades lately. This colour really reminds me of Asia.
This was my first time to use Wollmeise yarns, which I ordered last year. One hank was 150g and I could nearly make another pair of socks at least for a child. I like those yarns. They are nice to knit.
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