Yarn: Artesano Aran. 50% wool, 50 % alpaca.
I got an inspiration to these beanie from some women's magazine. I can't remember what was it. Probably Marie Claire? It wasn't exactly like this, but something similar. This was the time I actually needed some relaxed beanie for myself. It was actually really nice and I love the colour and the yarn very much. It was also fast to knit it, because the yarn was so thick. I have already worn this beanie many times. I am definitely going to do something else from this yarn.
Hi, I love your beanie! I'm looking for a beanie pattern to knit in Artesano Aran where can I find the pattern?
Unfortunately I didn't write down the pattern. I try to count the measurements and tell you then. Basically it was very simple.
Thank you! I'm just learning so simple is good.
Hi! Great beanie! Can you tell me how you made it? I know you used a basic ribs pattern, but how did u get the slouchy look? Thanks!
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