I am not very good at crocheting, but have made two big (simple) blankets of left-over yarns. That was the autumn 2005, when I was still living in Finland. Some of this yarns are from my mother and late grandmother. So some of the yarns I used were really old and used for something else before. The quality of the pictures is not great. They are taken with my old camera in the wintertime.
The first one is made of different pieces with different colors and shapes. I personally like this one very much.

Whole blanket before it was completely finished, but this is how it looks like.

I gave the blanket to my parents. The cats seemed to like it as well.

After the first blanket there were still loads of yarn left, so decided to make another one. This one is made in one piece. It was kind of mindless crocheting. I didn't have any clue, how would it look like at the end. It was fun to make, even thought at the end it felt quite heavy to crochet. So my family (and cats) got another blanket. They have used them actually very much. So everybody is happy.